Orthodontic Braces and Invisalign

Got crooked teeth? Let’s get you smiling with the confidence you deserve!

Here at Jacaranda Dentist, we offer 2 different options: fixed braces (metallic wire and metallic/ceramic brackets) or removable aligners (plastic aligners such as Invisalign®).

Braces – Braces that are used today are more subtle than the ones of yesteryear. They are used not only help to straighten misaligned teeth but also guide the growth and development of the facial bones. This is why they are mostly used for patients in their pre- or early teenage years.

At Jacaranda Dentist, we recommend you bring your child in for an orthodontic assessment when their first adult teeth begin to emerge, around 7-9 years of age. This early intervention can minimise the timeframe wearing braces should they be required, and also help identify any potential problems such as mouth breathing and thumb sucking.

Cost of Damon Braces

Mild Case Moderate CaseAdvanced Case
From $35 per week
to $55 per week
From $55 per week
to $75 per week
From $75 per week
to $95 per week

Invisalign® – While many people who come to see us at Jacaranda Dentist would like a straighter smile, the thought of metal braces can make people reluctant to undergo orthodontic treatment.

That’s why Invisalign® has become the orthodontic treatment of choice for many adults who want a complete smile transformation. Invisalign® is a system of strong, virtually invisible, hard plastic aligners made from detailed impression moulds and created using advanced 3D computer imaging software. This enables you to see your entire treatment progression and projected result on a computer screen before your treatment even commences.

The aligners are designed to move your teeth in tiny increments over a specified period. The aligners are replaced with a new set every two weeks until your desired result is achieved.

Cost of Invisalign Aligners

Mild CaseModerate CaseAdvanced Case
From $50 per week
to $70 per week
From $70 per week
to $90 per week
From $90 per week
to $110 per week
Invisalign Educational Video

Give us a call on 3299 5855 to book in for your free 15-min Orthodontic consult about the best option for you.

Do you want a payment plan to help with paying the cost of treatment? Afterpay, Zippay, and Openpay are 3 payment plan options that we offer. Click here to find out more.

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